Weekend Plans: Golf

Here's and awesome idea for those of you in the Eastern region this weekend: Skip work on Friday and hit up Warner Nickerson's fundraiser/charity golf tournament in Campton, NH. It's partly a fundraiser for his upcoming season, and partly a charity event for the Dave Adams Sailing Center, named for the late Dave Adams, whose influence on NHARA racing culture in the '90s was probably greater than that of any other individual. Balls will be shanked. Carts will roll. Start time is 10:00 AM, but if you haven't registered yet then just get there early and they'll probably figure out a way to get you signed up. Or better yet, check out the link below and drop Warner a line today so he can get you slotted in somewhere.

Even if you don't golf, you can still hit the auction and barbecue. The auction usually has a wide variety of items - everything from skis and boots to Daily Show tickets and sunset cruises - and the crowd at these things usually reads like a who's-who of Eastern racing. It's a blast. Go to it, you will have fun.

Here's all the information. See you there!

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