Swiss Men's Team Goes Go-Karting. Obession With Rules Continues.

In America, when we want to let loose and have a good time, we have things like bumper cars and demolition derbies.  In Switzerland, they write CAS arbitration laws and procedures.

So we had to laugh when we read the article on about the Swiss men's team going out for a day of go-karting.  The regulations and delineations are comically staggering:  "Training groups 2 and 4," qualifying rounds, starting orders, calculated results, and of course, a points system that probably has its own rule book.  Also, because the order in which you cross the finish line might not tell the whole story in a go-kart race, they held a time trial afterward and somehow scored that with the main event to determine the final winner:  Beat Feuz by a whopping 38 points.  Disappointment of the day surely goes to Daniel Albrecht, who had just 4 points.  4 points?!  I mean REALLY.

By the looks of the full-face helmets and fire suits, these go-karts might not have been your average mini-golf/batting cages/bumper boats setup.  Although they do appear to be smash-ready with the 360° bumper skirts, ramming speed doesn't appear to have been a big part of the racing.

Photo copyright Swiss Ski.  You can see it at


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