A Note on Sources and Identity

Greetings readers.  As evidenced by the poll we have running on the site right now, there is considerable angst among the ski racing population about advancement and standing within the USSA/USST system, especially if one chooses to speak out in a way that reflects negatively on that system.  We are concerned because we've been hearing reports and rumors about certain people being affiliated with this site when, in fact, they are not.

So follow this logic:
  1. It's written and edited by one person.
  2. When discussing potentially sensitive issues with people, I have always come forward and said, "Hey, just so you know, it's me," because I don't want to be a deceitful little rat about this.
  3. Nobody has yet come to me and said, "I think it's you."
  4. Therefore, if you've gone to someone and said, "I think it's you," then you were wrong; it's not them.

A few more facts:
  1. I do not work for any ski club, team, or academy, although I have in the past.
  2. Oddly enough, my sources of information and my fact checkers for the Women's Development Team Selection post are personal (not professional) connections that I can trace back to the mid-1990's.  Point being that my past affiliation with any ski club, team, or academy is irrelevant, especially for that piece.

A note on criticism:
There is a difference between criticism and facts.  Criticism is a matter of opinion.  Facts are real events (in this case, put into words).  You can disagree with criticism.  You can't disagree with facts.  Facts can, however, be incorrectly or incompletely stated, in which case we'd like to know when we've done that and we'd like to be corrected.

Thanks for reading.  Please take a minute to cruise around the rest of the site to see what it's all about before passing judgment on what's going on here.  Though the Women's Development Team Selections post has garnered the most attention by far, this site isn't intended to be a forum on one single issue.  If it really is a one trick pony, you won't come back and read more, but we hope to be more than that.  As ski racers, we share a lot in common, but don't share with each other often enough.


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